In Greek, Charassein means to engrave, scratch, or etch and is the root of the English word character. The Character Assessment Initiative (Charassein) is an effort devoted to the study of character skills. Our work centers around two goals: improving measures of character skills and better understanding how character skills are developed. For more information, please explore our website or contact the director Gema Zamarro.
Recent Releases
Charassein 2019 Newsletter
This was another great year for Charassein! Click here for a brief summary of all the work we have done during 2019. Charassein 2019.
Assessing the impact of Holocaust education on adolescents’ civic values: Experimental evidence from Arkansas
Lee, M., & Beck, M. I. (2019). EDRE Working Paper 2019-08.
An evaluation of the educational impact of college campus visits: A randomized experiment
Swanson, E., Kopotic, K., Zamarro, G., Mills, J., Greene, J., & Ritter, G. (2019). EDRE Working Paper No. 2019-002.
Local labor market conditions, principals’ leadership, conscientiousness, and beginning teacher turnover: A study during the Great Recession
Fuchsman, D., & Zamarro, G. (2019). EDRE Working Paper No. 2019-01.
Charassein 2018 Newsletter
2018 was another great year for Charassein! Click here for a brief summary of all of the work we have done during this past year. Charassein 2018
Further validation of survey effort measures of relevant character skills: Results from a sample of high school students
Zamarro, G., Nichols, M., Duckworth, A., & D’Mello, S. (2018). EDRE Working Paper No. 2018-07.
Identifying naturally-occurring direct assessments of social-emotional competencies: The promise and limitations of survey and assessment disengagement metadata
Soland, J., Zamarro G., Cheng, A., & Hitt, C. (2018). EDRE Working Paper No. 2018-06.
Alternative measures of non-cognitive skills and their effect on retirement preparation and financial capability
Zamarro, G. (2017). EDRE Working Paper 2017-22.
Gender gaps in math performance, perceived mathematical ability and college STEM education: The role of parental occupation
Anaya, L., Stafford, F. P., & Zamarro, G. (2017). EDRE Working Paper 2017-21.
The play’s the thing: Experimentally examining the social and cognitive effects of school field trips to live theater performances
Greene, J. P., Erickson, H. H., Watson, A. R., & Beck, M. I. (2017). EDRE Working Paper 2017-13.